Keeper Guidance

Guidance Notes
EID and Sheep and Goat Movement Reporting

For help with On-Line System contact ScotEID on:

Help Desk: 01466-794323 (available from 9am – 5pm on business days)
Fax: 01466-792801

Reporting Movements

What is a Movement?

A movement is when sheep or goats are moved off one flock (or herd) area onto another premises whether it is another farm or a premises such as the meat plant, Mart or a Show.
All these movements have to be reported to the central database. This can be done either on-line or by paper.

Movement: Meat Plant

The Meat Plant is a Critical Control Point which means that it will report the movement for you. A reader has been set up in the plant which automatically reads EID tags and sends the data off to the central database.

What you need to do: ensure that all the sheep and goats that you send in to the meat plant are properly tagged which includes an EID tag for all sheep and lambs born or marked after 31st July 2010.

Movement: Market

The Market is a Critical Control Point which means that it will report the movement for you both from the flock of departure via the market to the flock of destination. The Mart has been set up to read EID tags and send the data off to the central database electronically.

What you need to do: ensure that all the sheep and goats that you send in to the Market are properly tagged which includes an EID tag for all sheep and lambs born or marked after 31st July 2010.

Movement: Exports

Exports will be reported directly to the central database by the Department as it will already have the export information supplied for the export application. Within 3 days of the export having taken place Exporters will have to inform the Department of the date of export and any changes to the list of animals that were actually exported.

What you need to do as an exporter: as usual for export health certificate and in addition give the CPH number of the destination. The keeper of the destination will be aware of their CPH number. Inform the Department, within 3 days of the export having taken place, of the actual date of export and any changes to the list of animals actually exported.

Movement: Imports

Imports should be accompanied by a Movement Document from the country of origin in addition to the import health certificate. The Movement Document will contain a section for completion by the keeper at the destination. This form should be completed and sent off by the keeper at the Isle of Man farm of destination to ScotEID or alternatively the movement can be reported on-line.

For on-line reporting in after entering tag number(s) select movement type as ‘Import’ and enter the departure CPH number (this will be in the format xx/xxx/xxxx where x represents a single digit). (If the animals have come directly from Scotland the movement may have already been reported on-line in Scotland). The movement should be reported within 3 days of the arrival.

What you need to do: Ensure that the movement on to the destination in the Isle of Man is reported to the central database either on-line or by sending of the completed Movement Document to ScotEID - this can be by post, fax or e-mail:

ScotEID Information Centre
Unit 28, Huntly Business Centre
83 Gordon Street
Huntly AB54 8FG
Fax: 01466 792801

Movement: Farm to Farm

Farm to farm movements need to be reported to the central database within 3 days of the movement. This can be done either on-line or by sending an appropriately completed movement reporting form off to ScotEID The details required are: total number moved (sheep or goats), departure and destination CPH number (this is 63/151/ followed by your sheep flock or goat herd four digit number for written notifications however only 4 digit sheep flock or goat herd number is needed for on-line reporting), date of movement, individual official tag numbers for all animals that are electronically tagged (EID) – this includes all sheep born or marked after the 31st July 2010, and additionally for paper notification: keepers signature, name, address and contact number.

What you need to do: ensure that the movement is reported to the central database within 3 days. This can be done by either the keeper at flock of departure or keeper at flock of arrival reporting the movement on-line OR the keepers filling out a movement reporting document and the keeper at destination completing it and sending it off within 3 days of the movement to ScotEID - this can be by post, fax or e-mail:

ScotEID Information Centre
Unit 28, Huntly Business Centre
83 Gordon Street
Huntly AB54 8FG
Fax: 01466 792801


We are working with the Shows to set them up as Critical Control Points which means that they will report the movement for you both to the Show and back again.

What you need to do: ensure that all the sheep and goats that you send to Shows are properly tagged which includes EID tags for all sheep and lambs born or marked after 31st July 2010.

Use of website

Once you are a registered user you will be able to log on and enter movement information on-line using the screens available. Tag numbers can be entered in several ways including typing in individual numbers, typing in a range of numbers and uploading files from readers (most common file types are accepted – technical details available from Scot EID). Context appropriate help is provided on the site as is some background information. You will also be able to view information relating to your sheep flock/goat herd and enter other types of information if you wish to do so eg. On farm deaths.

For help with On-Line System contact ScotEID on:

Help Desk: 01466-794323 (available from 9am – 5pm on business days)
Fax: 01466-792801